Beta 6.4 Released
If you are using the settings file from the previous version, please either delete it, or remove the <validcharacters>…<validcharacters> line, load the program and save the settings.
If you are using the settings file from the previous version, please either delete it, or remove the <validcharacters>…<validcharacters> line, load the program and save the settings.
Implemented the save default settings feature.
A couple of bug fixes and a lot of internal changes. Saving and loading of default settings should be in the next release, I just need to stop messing about with the css and php for this site and finish it off (doesn’t it look nice now, though?).
I still haven’t gotten to the two things I mentioned because I keep finding bugs. Can’t put it off any longer:
A couple of little fixes and some changes in preparation for the next big release.
I honestly didn’t plan it to come out today, it just worked out like this.
Added the levels control, and kept the brightness and contrast too.
Just a couple of bug fixes.
Change log:
Fixed problem saving batches to a root directory in some versions of Windows
Fixed ratio and full screen buttons on main form bouncing up and down
Set default batch image scale to 75%
Fixed incorrectly name combobox in the main form
Change log:
Moved suffix types into an enum
Moved character size stuff into TextProcessingSettings
Added main form font button right-click context menu
– Character size display
– Added form to change the current character size and toggle auto calculation
Added ability to specify character size in batch conversion settings form
Added character size to batch conversion log