Well, that took longer then I expected.
Here are the main changes:
– Complete rewrite of almost the entire code-base into cleaner, more readable and modular code.
– The conversion process has been optimized at every step, with a big overall speed increase.
– The input image has moved from the main panel into a new widget, plus lots of other UI changes.
– Batch conversion has been completely rewritten with a new and more usable interface.
– The settings form and the whole settings system have been rewritten, and it now automatically saves to a new data file when you press ok.
– Several memory leaks have been fixed, as have all known bugs.
– Added support for handling multiple translation files.
Click here for the full and scary change log: Ascgen 2.0 Changes. Some of the things were changed and rewritten multiple times since the last version, but I’ve gone through and I think it’s more or less correct now.
Also, you may have noticed that this site has had a nice revamp and clean-up. The tutorial is up to date and the faq page has been rewritten using a nice plugin. Please let me know if you have question that isn’t covered: FAQ. Also screenshots!
Please let people know about this release. This project will only continue forward if it gets enough support, so it would be great if you used the sharing buttons just below this post. Donating a couple of $ would also be greatly appreciated.
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sorry for my English is not perfect, I’m Italian, ascgen use for a long time and I find it amazing software, well made and easy to use.
In these years I have shed much the voice, and this I think you can see from the many downloads from the servers called Italians.
I’m a fan of ASCII art, and more.
I love the story of the ascii code and all the way from when Bob Bermer in 1960, for the free time gave birth to this unique code.
Thanks to the programmer software ascgen.
I hope that one day the same software can also make changes to the color.
Sincere regards,
Yay, finally! Time to try it out.
Colour option doesn’t work if you change the font type?
Hi, colour output has never worked for variable width fonts. It would need to mix and calculate the colours for the different widths, and that’s really hard. No promises, but I will look into ways I could do it.
Hi Jonathan!
Thank You for this great software 🙂 I’m happy that 2.0 is finally out 🙂 I shared this great news on facebook. 🙂
Sweet. I’ve been using your badass program on and off for a couple of a years now for the fun of it.
And what fun it was!
Hi again Mr. Mathews,
just saw your new revision with so many new features and I salute for the fun-bringer tool you have been developing.
Last night I made a booklet (A3 sheet folded thrice) where I use (with great impact, humbleness aside) your old yet tool, the image is rather not good but the ASCII output allowed me to make my point there very successfully, the result follows:
I used:
Font: Lucida Console BOLD
Font size: 1pt
Knowing how time-consuming is the programming not to speak of how life-stealing it is sometimes I want to greet you with a song:
Sam Obernik – Mr Butterfly
Having even more versatile Ascgen makes me glad, thanks for your easy-on-the-eyes work.
just wanted to say that I tweeted (I am new to Twitter) your page and to point a typo (my English is forever broken far beyond typos) in the first sentence of this page:
longer then I expected
longer than I expected
Also did you consider (utilizing your batch funtionality) to make an ASCII text/video clips, I mean to convert previously captured frame-by-frame sequences!
I guess the output quality would be highly dependable on how much key-frames (i.e. non-blured) are in the sequence.
Best regards
language file:zh-cn (Simple Chinese 简体中文)
mod snip
It would be better if the images brightness/contrast widget hadn’t been removed
The image brightness/contrast basically did the same job as the text brightness/contrast, but you couldn’t see the effect being applied to the output in real time. To make things simpler I decided to remove it.
I’ll try and find another way to have the input image show the adjustment.
Thank you for usable software!
Is it possible to change color of fonts?
No. Unless you save the colour image, it’s either white text on black or black text on white.
I know the old program let you set the colours, but it seemed kind of pointless. I could add it in for the next version.
Ascgen 2.0’s features just surprise me, it’s cool
and because i want to use in .bat file, so does it has a command-line api??
hope for your reply! O(∩_∩)O
No, sorry. I haven’t gotten around to that yet.
I cant open the file, 0xc000007b is the error code i get. and what is the requirements?
It just needs .NET 2.0 to run.
do you got a version for mac?
Hey Bro!
I can translate this to Vietnamese.
Do you need Vietnamese for this application
@hprobotic Sure! If it’s not listed then we need it. Check out the instructions here: http://ascgendotnet.jmsoftware.co.uk/?qa_faqs=how-can-i-make-a-translation-file-for-language-x
Thanks for your ASCII Generator. It is realy amazing programm. We use it a lot in or website. But it is realy hard to do animation like this http://asciiporno.livejournal.com/27233.html . It can be your next level to upgrade ASCII Generator – let him make animation from GIF files. Thank you a lot!
Hi,this is really a fun tool.Maybe it can be use to encryption
thank you