Beta 6.9 released – .NET 2.0 REQUIRED 2

Download it here

It’ll be at least a few more weeks before I get around to finishing the edit settings form, so here is everything I have so far:

Ported code to .Net framework 2.0
Menu and toolbar changed to MenuStrip and multiple ToolStrips (all rearrangable)
Replaced native measure and draw text code with TextRenderer functions
Added “???? ” ansi ramp and valid characters – Select “Plain Text (Unicode)” as the type when saving the text
Changed “Close without saving the output?” to “Save the output before closing?”
Added menu icons
Replaced context menus with context menu strips

2 thoughts on “Beta 6.9 released – .NET 2.0 REQUIRED

  • Dwayne

    This is the first I’ve used your software on Windows XP so the Unicode ability (if it was accessible previously) is new to me. I’m loving it. So far, I think this is nice also “???? ” but I’m going to work on some original valid character combinations when I get a new PC.

  • Sascha

    How abaout to include a poster print functionality? e.g. 8 pages high and 12 pages wide. That would be GREAT!

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