Several bugs fixed, and I’ve redone the Save as Image… text magnification dialog so you can see and adjust the output image’s size. Also the default prefix (usually ‘ASCII-’) is now stored and read from the settings file.
Changes in this version:
“Save as Image…” magnification dialog box:
– Improved layout
– Added display of the output image size
– Made the form resizable
– Caught crash if the sample text is empty
– Increased accuracy of the trackbar by a factor of 10
Added saving of user entered ramp/valid characters to variables and xml
Fixed crash on opening batch conversion settings with a variable width default font
Restored “ASCII-” prefix when saving as text
Added a default prefix to the variables and xml
Set initial batch conversion output and input directories from the settings
Fixed crash on processing a batch conversion with a variable width default font
The save from current ramp is perfect! The copied text from the xml into a validcharacters entry works perfectly!