Beta 2.7 Released 4

It wasn’t enough for a major version number change, but it was too much for a minor version +1 so I skipped a couple of minor version numbers.

Change log:

    Removed the extra border when moving the selection rectangle
    Fixed bug with widgets sometimes moving on startup
    Changed the look of the application
    Removed sharpen, stretch – use right click to change them
    Added ability to close widgets
    Added new &View menu section to change current tab, and show/hide widgets
    Moved Output size, ASCII ramp and Font to a toolbar
    Made About dialog resizable

There were also a ton of other little bits that broke when I made the changes. I think I’ve gotten everything sorted, but let me know if you see a bug.

4 thoughts on “Beta 2.7 Released

  • Dwayne

    Looks good, the first problem I encountered was the invalid size alert, maybe you can get rid of that entirely? The larger border around the image may be over complicating the GUI? We’ll see how it goes, as I’ve just started using it.

  • Jonathan

    There’s something not right with the whole output size bit (I think the validation needs to be somewhere else).

    I’ve already seen and fixed a bug with the output size not updating when the font changes, so there’ll be a new version tomorrow when I’ve added a couple of other things.

  • Dwayne

    Now I’ve had a bit of a go, generally I like it with the border around the image tab but not the text output tab. I keep reaching for the side of the window to stretch it and getting muddled. And it also reduces the impact. But on the image tab, I think it adds style to the interface.

    I’m checking your site daily, I love these updates! 🙂

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